Άννα Κομνηνή, Έργα

by Automon

Books & Reference


Freeware / book with works of Anna Comnena: http://www.automon.gr/2014/04/kom-ann-apanta.html Alex:- Preamble- Paper 1-15 ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- Anna Comnena was a Byzantine historian of the major forms of the spiritual life of the Empire in the 12th century. She was the daughter and eldest child of Emperor Alexius Comnenus and Empress Irene Duke and granddaughter Anna Dalassene. In the history of the project "Alexias" mirrored the great culture of the archaiomatheia, the familiarity with the Bible and especially the devotion and admiration for her father ...   ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- Development of Android application by Automon (Antonis Panoris):http://[email protected]://www.facebook.com/Automonhttp://www.facebook.com/AutomonAndroidhttps://plus.google.com/+AntonisPanorishttps://plus.google.com/+AutomonGr Google Play Apps by Automon:http://bitly.com/google-play-automon-apps Google Play Books by Automon:http://bitly.com/google-play-automon-books Google Play Games by Automon:http://bitly.com/google-play-automon-games Google Play YouTubers by Automon:http://bitly.com/google-play-automon-youtubers